We are all unique and special, and just like tea cups we all come in different shapes and sizes. We all have our purpose. 

The dainty cups are for royalty taking in their English breakfast on the seaside. The larger ones are for the writers who are lucky enough to drink from the huge ones that have whimsical patterns  that decorate their desk. The ancient and cracked ones that are stored in museums because they are too delicate to touch. 

 They all have purpose, they all bring something to our lives. We are like them. We simply, exist in our own beauty. There is not a single person that is not meant to be here. They are all created for special moments that have passed, that are happening, and that will happen. We wait patiently for the Lord to call us from the slumber of the cupboard to do amazing work. 

 To make people laugh, to teach lessons, to save lives, to wipe tears away, to embrace the hard lives and sprinkle empathy around the world, to make people have humility on the goodness their lives hold. We are walking teacups to make amazing moments happen. 

 God. wanted originality not conformity. His joy comes from us being spread out on His world that His table and feasts on the joys of humanity. He could have wiped us out, but he treasures us, like teacups. 

 The rare ones, where you don't want your kids to toss the ball when the tea set comes out, because He wants to put the rules into place to protect His precious teacups. 

 We want to force people to be exactly the same and hide their beauty. We want the large teacups to be smaller, and the smaller want to be bigger. Or we want to be shinier, or we want be the designer ones, not knowing we are Royal Daltons. 

 We are all destined for something great. We might have chips, and we might have faded paint, or maybe our shape does not seem so perfect, but like teacups were designed perfectly for the purpose God intended. 

  Lean into God's purpose, lean into the Master. We can be the best teacups because we are owned by The Most High God. 


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