Picky Cat

My cat, Atticus, loves fresh food in his bowl. He always leaves the bowl a quarter full. Once he can see the bottom of the bowl, he meows vivaciously demanding more.

 In life we always demand more! More clothes, more jewelry, more cars, and more everything! Yet, we really fail to realize how much people really do not have! In the Philippines there is a dish many are forced to eat pagpag. It  is made from thrown out food in garbages, which is collected, reboiled several times, and then consumed. This is eaten by more households than whole city blocks in certain western world cities.

How grateful I am to have more and in abundance. I have never had to eat anything close to pagpag delicacies. We all act like my picky cat. We all demand more, yet, if we shared more than what we really need the world  would be in a better place. 

 We need more contentment in our world we call life! We need more, “I have enough, thank you, pass on the good to someone else.” Yet, this is so rarely spoken. 

 Are we broken yet by the needs of the world calling to us, like my cat beckoning me to fill his bowl? 
There is enough in the world to share Pagpag would not even be a necessity if people would give to Compassion or World Vision. When are we going to stop looking for more? 

 Thankfulness, forces us to thrive. Let us be content in our hearts, pickiness, is adorable for cats, but it is an ugly state fro the human condition. 


My prayer for you, dear reader, is to always be content, because when you are content, you, are a THRIVER!!!!


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