Toe Dipping Faith

 Sometimes, with God, He does not always expect you to dive in, rather, He just said expects a toe dipping kind of faith. 

 I recently experienced this first hand. I really felt called to blog and podcast. I jumped in, First thing this morning I woke up to money being sent by Western Union. I simply dipped my toe in, and God was faithful in showing up lighting up my path. 

 We become afraid, like Peter, who saw the waves, but we forget that he did get out of the boat. No other disciple walked on water. He dipped in his toe and walked on water. 

 To really thrive, sometimes, it is just a matter of putting in our toe in the water. Have you, stuck your toe in today? Are you growing in faith or growing your fear? 

  God is faithful, He never leaves us poolside, He takes our hand and as we jump in he holds our hand and He gently says, “Follow Me.” 

 Today, I encourage you to dip in a toe to thrive! Stop allowing your fear to rule your life! Each time we trust in God and simply put a toe n the water we are proving to ourselves that God will show up when we have to abandon ship and God has to scoop us up. God scooped up Paul several times and this is the testimony he gave to the toe dippers who were just recently saved. 

Thrive with E is sponsored this week by Nassir 


  1. Hi Evas, I was looking for a button so I could follow your blog and didn't see one, am I missing something? This is Denise Jeter, google has my profile picture messed up so I logged out and now I don't have a picture at all. :( They put my husband's pic on here, our account's got crossed up.


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