Devilish Moments
We all will have days where the devil wins. If you do not believe this statement, I encourage you to read my book, Elevators of My Life. The devil rules this world, and even children are not saved from his purpose.
Maybe, today, the devil did win. Yet, the war is not over, unless you quit. Too many people are quitting. Even children are mastering their end through suicide. This is tragic. It does get better. The issue in society is we believe the lie that if one day the devil wins, we will never win again. This simply is not true. There is always hope for redemption.
It is our job as a Christians to remind people the importance of God’s plan! We are failing the world, we are so focused on The Return of Christ we are ignoring the needs of most people. Churches are doing nil in helping teens cope with divorce, peer pressure, and addiction. Especially children whose parents are not the church “folk.” Do, we really believe in the working power of Christ? Or is it just the fact we are too lazy. “I’m not called.” Is the cop out too many Christians use not to get their hands dirty. In my case it was the latter. My life was destroyed because the right thing was the hard thing. Yet, I was born in the middle of the Bible Belt. In the middle of God fearin’ US of A. It’s a label but so many only had the name Christian even my family doctor, but they lived for the devil.
We wonder why sin is abounding is because we refuse to love beyond capacity. We refuse to give grace. We order a meal, and become irate with the waitress, we act racist, our words are bullets in the soul, and the list goes on. We aid in the demise of people’s souls and the devil is winning because we are not walking out grace in love.
We see children and teens as worthless. We don’t teach Christians the importance of parenting an adopted or foster children. We have bought in the lie that natural children are the best children. When we don’t love the unlovable kids they grow up to be unloved adults. Are we aiding in Satan’s plans or are we pushing back the forces of evil by loving everyone. Or are we spreading hate by our Facebook posts, YouTube channels, or even our pulpits?
The Christian world takes a huge stake on political matters; yet crisis pregnancy centres are shut. Funds for emergency shelter and bills for moms are not there. The Christians are firm believers in adoption, not seeing that adoption is a mire of satanic pitfalls if adoption is so beautiful why is there so much shame attached to it? Where does shame come from? Yet, Christians fight for adoption not the ability to parent. Why? It takes away the responsibility of the church to help pregnant girls. With adoption it is easy the church can wash it’s hands of help.
To stop devilish moments the church needs to less political and clothe Christ. The church needs to don war paint and help homosexuals get over being molested, abused, deal with grief, and help them see they have a real identity in Christ. We agree abortion is a devilish invention but how many shelters are there for crisis pregnancies? How many churches raise money for rehab for addicts? How awesome would it be for an addict to say, a church got me clean? What if Christians raised money for homeless people to have homes? You know it’s better to tithe to Kenneth Copeland who owns a 65 million dollar jet.
We all have devil moments but we have a choice as Christians, to make a dent of love, or allow Satan to use our bias and deep rooted deception to cause more havoc when people have devilish moments.
What will you chose today? Will you fight for light or will you simply say, “It’s not my calling?” Or “Jesus comes back so, who really cares?”
Christians allowed the devil to keep me for four years. The reality is only Christians can help the world conquer their devilish moments.
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