The War Is On

  War, it is costly, takes trust in your platoon and squad, it takes guts. My youngest brother did two tours in Iraq and it took a toll on him. 

We all have a war we are facing. War makes heroes or it makes us wimps. Emotional, depression, suicidal ideation, and divorce. We all have invisible wars, how we handle the battle will determine if we win the war or lose the war. 

 The war we fight emotionally and spiritually are more vital than those that are fought in fox holes. Eventually, you will leave the fox hole, but you cannot leave your mind. People that fight in the fox holes understand if their mental state stays in the foxhole they will never have a thriving life. 

 Yes, God is with us but we have to do the battling. We are the ones that have to focus on our words, memorize scripture, stay focused on the cross, make the perfect choice to forgive, control our tempers by leaning into him. God gives us the battle plan to win the war if we follow His orders in the Bible. A rebellious recruit is a dead recruit. 

 The issue with so many Christians is the fact we are dead emotionally because we pick and chose what parts to follow and what parts we ignore. We make poor recruits fighting darkness. The world needs warriors of light to save people from the dark. We must be perfect recruits being immediate obeyers when the general barks an order. 

 To thrive we must be willing to fight in the war mentally, and follow the words of our general the Holy Spirit. This is why the world is drowning in pain, because Christians are not wanting to sign up and defend people and most importantly clothe them in love. If we cannot love we might as well call ourselves Satanists and be demoted from Christianity altogether. This is the foxhole in Christianity loving them when people’s quirks, religious beliefs, attitudes, sins, pasts, their lifestyle, and even skin colour irk us. 

 If we do not love, Christ is not in us and we belong to darkness and Satan is our father. Hosea loved his wife who was a practicing prostitution, God never killed Adam and Eve they killed themselves by their selfishness. They followed the father of hate. They lost war for humanity. When we lose the battle for love we are making it harder for other Christians to share the gospel. People become embroiled in memories if one Christian treats them bad it lingers and we have double work. Stop making double work, stop killing people emotionally. If you refuse to love be bold enough to leave Christianity, exit the church, and move on. God has a hatred for hypocrites, you are going to hell anyway just keep going or fall on your face and deliberately ask God to move you with His compassion. 

 We are fighting for souls. Thrive, jump into the foxhole of love, obey the general called the Holy Spirit, love for the sake of eternity, it is for eternity we love people. This is how we radicalize the world. Thrive to win the war for humanity’s sake, eternity is waiting and it grows in numbers because of warriors of love. 


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