Perception more than meets the eye

Your perception on people and circumstances around you is not always what it seems. Looking through a circumstance through a straw verses a telescope makes a huge difference. Asking questions instead of making assumptions is vital in life. Waiting, on God and having Biblical wisdom that He is using the darkness or your set back for His glory will allow you to be refined gently instead of harshly. If you think God is unfair, unjust, and simply cruel this perception will make you miserable, angry, and full of discontentment. This perception will force a bad attitude. Romans 8:28 is true and if we fully understand this verse we will take things more patiently, more gracefully, and our attitude will be better allowing us to make decisions that are a God glorifying than choices based on the perception of fear. Where are your perceptions heading your attitude, towards God or away from God? God does Not Care about your circumstances as Much as H...